Refuse to just Pass

And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow. And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested. 1 Chrn 4:9-10.

As I read through the book of 1 Chronicles 4, I saw it was just a record of who begat who until it got to Jabez and the enumerator paused to explain something about him after which the count continued. As I meditated on why Jabez should be given a special attention, I discovered that there are persons names or faces you may not like but whose impact, influence or presence you can’t but recognize.
The following lights came to my spirit:

1. Life is a gift from God but the quality of that life is the decision of man.

2. What people call you is not actually how God sees you.

3. When you are ready to take responsibility, God is willing to turn your captivity.

4. What happens in your family, organization or nation can never determine what becomes of your destiny without your permission.

5. It doesn’t matter the number of people doing same business, ministry or job, you can decide to stand out.

6. What happens to your family members must not happen to you- you can choose to be different.

7. Never surrender your potential to your situation, it’s your key to escape a life of limitation and frustration.

8. To be too gentle with life may lead to being too little in life. Aggressively pursue your dreams.

9. You don’t need to be the firstborn in a family to take the frontline. Your passion will give you your position with time.

10. Those that went ahead of you may not necessarily stay ahead of you, when capacity is developed overtake becomes inevitable.

1. Refuse a life of indifference.

2. Determine to leave a proof that you lived.

3. Refuse to accept any excuse others give for failure, you are not them.

4. Fight every force trying to make a mockery of your existence now, so your children are not left any liability.

5. Never forget that you are holding the steering of your life, people may sympathize with you but they won’t drive for you.

6. Never forget that the only person whose help you can
guarantee in your journey of life is God. Any man, system or thing can disappoint, betray, abandon or fail you anytime.

7. Your mind and your relationship with God are always targets of the confrontations of life and the devil. Guard them jealously.

Someone shout I hear!

My prayer for you:
May Jehovah who answered Jabez answer you this week in Jesus name!
See you next Monday on this platform.

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