Sunday 28th March, 2021 – Second Service – Word Insight

Paul said, “be not slothful but be ye followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises” Heb 6:12.

I told a young Minister, “there’s nothing you want to do today in ministry that someone is not already doing a similar thing. It may not be the same vision but there are things to learn from forerunners. You are not sent to compete with them or proof any point. Recognizing, appreciating, celebrating, receiving counsel and submitting for mentoring under them is not humility but wisdom if safe sail towards a glorious destination in ministry is your desire”

Cornelius fasted, prayed and sowed seeds, God answered but redirected him to Peter. Jesus encountered Saul on the way to Damascus yet could not give him details of his assignment but had to redirect him to Ananias for clarity of the assignment.

Never downplay the place of relevant men in the pursuit of your assignment.

I celebrate this trailblazer @drsamadeyemi for standing firm and true in the message of responsible Christianity and national transformation even when it appeared unconventional. Special appreciation to @pstGodman for standing with us.
Men that are truly great don’t look at how you are to open up to you but how you can be when given the opportunity.

#DACA has come to add flavour to it from east of the Niger.

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