What is threatening you is not as powerful as What is calling you, just look up. Focus less or no energy or attention on the ground serpents, just look up. Your lifeline is up not down. The serpents of offense, bitterness, anger, hate, betrayal, backstabbing, rivalry, unhealthy competition etc are designed to wrestle and drain you of the energy required to pursue destiny. The vessels that transmit the above most times belong to the crawling group. Just know that you can’t stop their bites and the release of venom but you can neutralize its effects if you can look up. God did not remove the serpents despite their prayer, cries and pains but rather provided a neutralizer. God may not take them away because you prayed fire and brimstone but will give you a neutralizer as an answer. The vision He gave you is a neutralizer. His purpose for your life is a neutralizer. His love for you is a neutralizer. His voice in your spirit is a neutralizer. Lay a strong grip on your neutralizer as you journey towards destiny.
Your journey to Canaan (your vision) is still ahead and very important, don’t allow the events of the wilderness rob you of the beauty and glory of a safe arrival.

You will not be distracted!
You will not fail!
You shall sing the song of victory in Canaan!

Inspiration: Numbers 21:6-9.

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